Fashion Illustration is here to stay....


A new day has come bringing the spirit of fashion illustration back to the forefront of the media.  As the world has become increasingly digitally driven, one would imagine that this analogue form of art might become obsolete. However, hand rendered fashion illustration is stronger than ever.  Leading illustrators like Izak Zenou, Rebecca Moses, Jason Brooks, and Bruno Grizzo are wowing brands and clients around the globe.  Michelle Edelman from Traffic Creative Management, a leading creative agency in New York City comments, "Fashion illustration is definitely wowing the media these days, as brands are looking for ways to express their individuality and personality. We see an increasing request for fashion illustration and illustration in general from most fashion and beauty brands, as well as magazines, for events, in-store display, product packaging. The biggest growth is the use of fashion illustration and illustration for social media.  It's that additional fresh visual content that can fill in the gap that entices the public and the social media followers.  They also get to benefit from the fashion illustrator's large instagram following."


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